Do You Need a Car Accident Attorney in Granada Hills, CA?
Every year, more than 2.3 million Americans suffer significant injuries as a result of vehicle accidents. Collisions also kill over 3,000 people each month. Six crashes occur in an average minute, according to the federal government. These statistics highlight the vital role of local auto accident attorneys in places like Granada Hills.
Although many crashes only inflict minor damage, a serious collision has the potential to permanently change a person’s life. Accidents can bring about lifelong disabilities or chronic medical conditions. If this happens to you, it’s wise to speak to a lawyer immediately. A car accident specialist can inform you about important legal rights and determine if you qualify for compensation.
What Causes Crashes?
Excessive speed triggers more collisions than any other factor. When a motorist drives too fast, he or she can’t stop as quickly. The risk of an auto accident increases if a driver needs to make a turn while speeding. State law calls for people to drive below the speed limit when weather or traffic conditions create dangerous situations. For example, motorists should slow down in heavy fog.
Mobile phones represent another major hazard. Cell phones play a role in about one out of four accidents. Rules vary from one state to the next. The Golden State doesn’t allow motorists to talk on phones or use text messaging services when they drive. If Californians disobey this law, they could face fines and lawsuits.
Numerous Americans continue to cause traffic accidents by drinking alcoholic beverages before traveling. This mistake kills more drivers and passengers than any other illegal activity. Almost one out of three fatal crashes happen as a result of intoxication. Depending on the type of evidence, a court may charge a motorist with driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence. Both crimes lead to similar punishments.
How Do Car Crashes Hurt People?
When an accident takes place, it’s best to see a doctor right away. Some injuries don’t produce any noticeable symptoms for up to a month. A sore arm or leg may not heal as easily as you think it will. Even if the crash doesn’t damage a car or truck, significant medical problems can develop.
It’s not unusual for bones to break in a car crash. Broken ribs might harm internal organs, such as your lungs or kidneys. The effects will become more severe if you don’t receive prompt medical attention. Remember to request an X-ray when there’s any possibility that an injury could have fractured or severed a bone.
Persistent pain might develop if a collision triggers a back or neck injury. This may happen in almost any type of crash. It can hurt both the neck tissue and spinal vertebrae. Swelling could temporarily prevent a victim from feeling significant discomfort. Nonetheless, the painful aftereffects often last for many years.
If a person’s brain moves around inside of his or her skull, it may suffer serious damage. This can occur even when the victim’s head doesn’t strike any hard surfaces. It’s difficult to immediately determine if a motorist has suffered brain injuries. The symptoms may not appear for several days.
Around one out of 10 accident victims suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. Various other psychological effects can also develop. Behavioral changes could occur instantly or take time to appear. Either way, such problems have the ability to seriously harm personal relationships and prevent people from completing regular daily tasks.
Why You Need the Services of an Attorney
Being in a car accident will have a significant impact on your life financially, physically and emotionally. Under California and other federal laws, you have certain legal rights that you can exercise to make sure that you receive just compensation for injuries and damages suffered due to the accident. As a matter of practice, your insurance provider will try to pay as little as possible while making it difficult for you to collect. The process of seeking equitable settlement is stressful and time-consuming. You need a legal expert on your side. Choose one who is experienced in personal injury cases with demonstrated success in achieving fair compensation for car accident victims. The experts at Beverly Hills Valley Accident Lawyers are here to help.
Safety Belts and Lawsuits
A seat belt certainly has great potential to prevent death or reduce the severity of an injury. Nevertheless, it can’t protect drivers in every situation. Belts even increase physical harm on occasion. Defense attorneys and insurers don’t have a right to withhold all compensation because a victim didn’t wear a safety belt. Legal professionals can help motorists counter this tactic.
Negligence-Related Accidents
When drivers, businesses or local governments behave in a negligent manner, crash victims may be eligible for compensation. For instance, a commuter could take legal action against a drunken driver or a car manufacturer that produced a vehicle with major design flaws. Passengers might qualify for compensation from a motorist who behaves recklessly.
A negligent person or entity must pay all of the victim’s medical and repair bills. The court may decide to demand punitive restitution as well. This cash won’t restore victims to full health, but it decreases the stress brought about by burdensome bills and missed work. The money can also cover funeral expenses.
Are Passengers Ever Liable?
State law usually doesn’t hold passengers responsible for any injuries. However, a rider may be liable if he or she distracts the person behind the wheel. Passengers don’t qualify for compensation if they enter a vehicle despite knowing that the driver had consumed alcoholic beverages or used drugs. Be sure to learn about a crash independently rather than depending on a driver to supply information.
Types of Restitution
When a motorist speeds, drives while intoxicated, uses a cellphone or engages in other negligent behavior that causes injuries, you might qualify for compensation. A careless driver doesn’t only need to pay your emergency room bill. This person also owes money for ongoing medical treatment of chronic health problems.
A court may award additional restitution to help you overcome the economic and personal impacts of a collision. This money could compensate you for physical discomfort, reduced happiness, and missed workdays. Southern California crash victims tend to receive more compensation when they see doctors as soon as possible.
Granada Hills Accident Attorneys
Although negligence triggers numerous crashes, insurers often try to deny compensation to victims. Our Granada Hills law firm uses professional accountants, economists and traffic experts to prove fault and estimate financial losses. We also know how to obtain distracted drivers’ cellular records. You can rely on us to help you take legal action against motorists, manufacturers or infrastructure owners. Our seasoned attorneys work hard to maximize compensation.
We have over three decades of experience as traffic accident lawyers. Our law firm employs time-tested strategies to ensure that justice prevails. It’s crucial to have a lawyer on your side when any serious collision occurs. If a car crash harms you or a family member, please contact us without delay. We’ll provide a complimentary consultation and help you determine if you should initiate legal action.
We Help Victims of Car Accidents in these Areas
If you or a loved one has been injured, you will want a top rated San Fernando Valley personal injury attorney that understands how to get the maximum compensation you deserve. Our pledge is to be your partner, and provide passionate, yet skillful legal representation needed to win your case. Contact our highly trained personal injury lawyers today for a free case evaluation.