Call our Porter Ranch cell phone car accident lawyer if you are suffering from a serious injury caused by texting and driving. Unfortunately, many drivers operate motor vehicles when they are distracted. Sadly, common distraction patterns prevent drivers from obeying the law or acting in an accountable manner. In the United States, nearly 3,300 deaths are caused by car accidents every day. These daily statistics include nine deaths. Sadly, Porter Ranch also has its fair share of victims. Most of these accidents could have been prevented if the vehicle drivers were more responsible for their actions. Car crash injuries caused by distracted drivers are now on an equal par with accidents due to drunk drivers. If you are the victim of a distracted driver, contact our cell phone car accident lawyer in Porter Ranch now.

Distracted Drivers Fail to Pay Attention while Driving
Distracted driving is caused by a driver’s inability to concentrate on the task of operating a motor vehicle. The person is either addicted to using a cell phone, inebriated or sleepy. Some drivers paint their fingernails or shave their beards while driving. A driver may take his or her eyes off the road to glance at a book or read a message on the cell phone. It only takes a few inattentive seconds for a car crash to occur. If your injury was caused by a driver using a cell phone, take comfort in the fact that distracted drivers are guilty of negligence. Call our cell phone car accident lawyer in Porter Ranch now if you are the victim of a texting and driving accident.
Types of Injuries Caused by Distracted Drivers
Our Porter Ranch cell phone car accident lawyer recognizes the fact that negligence is often the culprit behind a texting and driving injury. A car involved in a rear-end collision can cause the driver or passenger to incur a whiplash injury resulting in damage to the neck. Some accident victims even experience an inability to speak for several days, weeks or months after an accident occurs. A victim with a previous heart problem can have a heart attack resulting in death.
Victims incur injuries related to their abdomens and internal organs. Nerve damage caused by a serious back injury is another common occurrence. Unfortunately, most back surgeries do not attain success in relieving pain for these victims. Car crash victims may incur serious fractures to their skulls requiring cranial surgeries. These individuals may have to go through life with severe short-term memory impairment causing difficulties with jobs.
You Deserve to Receive Monetary Compensation
We Help Victims of Car Accidents in These Areas:
Beverly Hills | Encino | Granada Hills | Northridge | Porter Ranch | San Fernando
Santa Clarita | Sherman Oaks | Sun Valley | Sylmar | Valencia | Valley Glen | Van Nuys
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If you or a loved one has been injured, you will want a top rated San Fernando Valley personal injury attorney that understands how to get the maximum compensation you deserve. Our pledge is to be your partner, and provide passionate, yet skillful legal representation needed to win your case. Contact our highly trained personal injury lawyers today for a free case evaluation.