Situated in Southern California, the San Fernando Valley is home to 1.8 million people who live in wonderful communities like Burbank, Calabasas, Glendale, Hidden Hills and San Fernando. The majority of this nearly 260-square-mile scenic area, known locally as the Valley, is located within the county of Los Angeles. The region’s high population density and love affair with cars has led to frequent accidents with other automobiles as well bicycles and motorcycles. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 3,074 people died on California roadways in 2014.

Whether the collision is low-impact or high-speed, drivers and passengers can experience serious injuries or death from the forces generated during a car accident. In addition to strains and sprains of soft tissue, such as the neck, lower and middle sections of the back, accident victims can suffer injuries to their wrists, shoulders, and knees. Car accidents can cause debilitating and life-threatening injuries, including internal bleeding, fractured bones, and traumatic brain injuries. While some symptoms may be readily apparent at the scene, others can emerge several hours or days after the accident.If you or a loved one has been injured in an automobile collision, you need the assistance of a professional San Fernando Valley car accident lawyer. Although victims deserve full compensation for their losses, insurance companies generally attempt to limit their financial exposure. An experienced car accident lawyer will ensure that your rights are fully protected.
Actions Following a Car Accident
After the accident, ask the other driver for essential information that will help your legal team seek the compensation that you deserve.
Accident and Insurance Information
This includes the other driver’s name, address, telephone number and license number as well his or her insurance company’s name and policy number. Jot down the vehicle’s license plate number, and take pictures of the car. Record specific details about the accident, such as the location of the incident, the lane position of both vehicles and the direction each automobile was traveling. You should also write down the speed that your vehicle was traveling and estimate the approximate speed of the other vehicle.
Eyewitness Contact Information
The statements of eyewitnesses can strengthen your claim. If there are any witnesses at the scene, ask them to provide their contact information. Professional car accident lawyers generally interview witnesses or hire investigators to handle this portion of the case. Language differences are irrelevant because your lawyer can hire translators to obtain details about the accident.
Official Police Report
If possible, wait for the police to arrive at the accident scene. Without an official police report, it is virtually impossible to prove that anything happened. When speaking with police officers on the scene, answer questions to the best of your ability. If you do not understand a question or do not know the answer, do not feel compelled to provide a response that could be incorrect and used against you. After you speak with the police, your attorney will order an accident report on your behalf.
Since there are so many car accidents in the San Fernando Valley, police only respond to a scene in which the motorists or their passengers were injured or killed in the collision. Since some people do not experience any noticeable symptoms of their injuries while at the accident scene, police are not dispatched to gather information or write a traffic collision report. After the adrenaline and shock of the traumatic event has worn off, the person injured during the car accident begins to realize the extent of his or her injuries.
When you contact the Valley Accident Lawyers, a member of the legal team will ask you whether the police created an accident report at the scene. If a report was not generated, you should file a traffic accident report with the appropriate law enforcement agency. We will provide detailed instructions regarding the process of filing the report.
Medical Treatment
Regardless of your symptoms, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible after a car accident. Your first stop after leaving the accident scene should be the hospital or a health care provider who can treat and document your injuries. Delaying treatment could increase the risk for serious complications and allow the negligent driver’s insurance company to claim that your injuries occurred because of a subsequent accident.
Use your discretion to determine whether you should consult a professional healthcare provider or go to a hospital. Serious injuries will require the care and expertise of a hospital emergency department.
Common Types of Car Accidents
San Fernando Valley car accidents involving other vehicles generally fit within four categories:
Low-Speed Impact: A car accident that occurs when the vehicle is traveling less than 10 mph is considered a low-speed impact. The most common injury experienced during this type of accident is whiplash.
Head-on or Front Impact: Accounting for more than 10 percent of fatalities, this accident occurs when the front of the vehicle strikes another vehicle that is traveling in the opposite direction.
Rear End: The most common type of automobile collisions, these accidents occur when an automobile strikes the rear of another vehicle. Generally, the rear driver is responsible for the accident because he or she was following too close or distracted by a mobile device.
Side Impact: When an automobile strikes another vehicle’s doors, it can cause injuries ranging from concussions to broken bones. This accident typically occurs in intersections.
If you have suffered losses because of the actions of a negligent driver, you are entitled to receive compensation. Call your hard working San Fernando car accident lawyers today – we will work tirelessly to seek payment for your medical bills and supplies as well as the loss of past, present and future income. The other driver is also responsible for expenses that you incurred because of the inability to use your vehicle or to perform routine tasks due to injury. The claim will also seek damages for your automobile and its contents. Before you contact the negligent driver’s insurance company, give the Valley Accident Lawyers a call. We will ensure that you are treated fairly and receive the compensation that you deserve.
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If you or a loved one has been injured, you will want a top rated San Fernando Valley personal injury attorney that understands how to get the maximum compensation you deserve. Our pledge is to be your partner, and provide passionate, yet skillful legal representation needed to win your case. Contact our highly trained personal injury lawyers today for a free case evaluation.